Friday, August 29, 2008


I can clearly remember coming home from college with my updated photography portfolio in my hand. Back then (I feel old) it wasn't a CD or a web-page, but an actual leather book with 15-20 printed images in it of my "best work" inside. Beyond it's distinct smell of fixer and it's impressive size, what I remember the most about that portfolio is what my dad said about it as he flipped through the pages....

There I sat, a recent, excited graduate with tons of student loans to pay and my good-intentioned dad says, "Too bad they're not in color." and "Why isn't anyone looking at you?" Well, it's been a long time since college, but still LOVE black and whites and my favorite images are STILL the ones where people aren't looking at the camera.

Though my dad will probably never understand, I think that Elizabeth and Peter will enjoy these images of their recent wedding. I wanted to capture how much love there was on this special day, as far as I'm concerned, nothing says that better than a gorgeous bride and a happy groom who are not looking at ME... in black and white, of coarse!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's a good thing that I'm a photographer, and not a writer, because Lauren has me speechless. I've been diligently editing sessions from last week (in order) just waiting for this session to make it to the top of the pile. I knew we got some great images.

A Senior at South Portland High School, Lauren naturally wanted to go to Fort Williams for her Senior Portraits. This spot has quickly turned into one of my favorites.

As I do with all seniors, I had a blast photographing Lauren. She was up for anything and had a great style about her....must be all that softball!

So, I think I'll just let the images speak for themselves...Thanks, Lauren!

Monday, August 25, 2008

49th Anniversary

Since the 1960's, the Ellero's have been taking their son and two daughters to Goose Rock's beach in the summer. This year, for their 49th wedding anniversary, their children (and grandchildren) took THEM to Goose Rocks for a special anniversary celebration.

Part of their special weekend included family portraits, which I was honored to be a part of. We went right back to the same spot where they've watched their children play for so many years.

Happy 49th anniversary Mr and Mrs Ellero, what a beautiful family you have!

It's a Tough Job

Don't ever let me tell you that I have a tough job. Though I sometimes get stressed (like this month) because I'm slightly over-booked, my schedule is filled with wonderful people I see each year, and some great new friends too. This past week, along with going to the beach nearly every night to photograph a family or two, handsome, young men dotted my appointment book (to get their senoir pictures done).

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tiger Pride

My hubby and I were seniors at Biddeford High School in 1992. Back then, football jersey #74 was worn by our friend, Scott. Today, (even though we never spoke in high school) Tom and I have been married for nearly 11 years, our friend Scott is now Coach Descoteaux, the head football coach and #74 is proudly worn by this BHS senior, Justin.

We've known Justin since he was just a little guy (he and his family used to live above us in a Biddeford apartment when we were just starting out). I was thrilled to see him again and happy to see that he's turned into a polite, smart and athletic young man.

The essence of Tiger Pride, Justin is one of the captains of the football team this year, and a talented and accomplished discus and shot put thrower for the track team. He's looking forward to his senior year and a track-and-field career at UMO after that.

I know Justin will be successful in whatever he does. His sense of humor alone will take him far. It was so fun for me to look back a little, as Justin does nothing but look ahead.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Senior State-of-Mind

I'm in a senior state-of-mind!

The past two weeks, I've been crazy-busy photographing high school senoirs who are all going back to school soon. With fall sports starting this week, and a lot of students working too, scheduling has been a challenge to say the least. That's why I'm so glad that Andrea, a senior at Bonny Eagle High School, took time out from her busy schedule of serving ice cream and riding horses to hang out with me at UNE last week

Andrea was a pleasure to meet and a lot of fun to work with. In true "girlie" fashion, she brought tons of clothing options and a few ideas too. It's neat to see how boys and girls prepare differently for their senior session. Andrea's mom, who has two sons who've been down this road before, agreed that girls take it very seriously. But that doesn't mean girls can't have FUN!

Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm Happy

When I started editing the images from my session with 6 month old, Samantha, I knew I wanted to blog about her. But what to say? She's so adorable...and that smile... what angle should I take? Well, this morning I got a lovely e-mail from Sammy's mom that really said it all. When the mom is happy, I'm happy!

Dear Denise, You have done it to me many adorable photos to choose from and me who can't make a decision if my life depended on it! I love them all. I said to myself, I am going to pick the one that shows her personality the most....well, that is all of them! You don't make this easy!!! Next time you can only take 3 photos then I won't have to choose! Did I mention that I love them? ~Michelle

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Little Ryan, (His family lovingly calls him Ry-Ry) comes for a "visit" twice a year. His mom, Tracie is so good at making appointments and keeping up-to-date with portraits. Ryan's dad, Jimmie does his part too, taking lots of wonderful photos of him in between sessions.

It's so fun keeping up with Ryan as he grows. Now three years old, his interests include karate and hanging out with his beloved pets. We always play the normal game of peek-a-boo when he comes in, but now, quite the young man, Ryan steels the show and sets the tone. I think that allows us to really capture his natural smile. I hope Jimmie and Tracie agree.

I'm already looking forward to capturing some fun images of Ryan and his family in December!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Elena and Ryan

I think I may have mentioned a time or two that the reason I love photographing weddings so much is that I get to work with some wonderful people. Well, what an absolute joy it was to photograph Elena and Ryan's wedding!

The bride was stunning, calm and did I mention stunning? The groom, a laid-back, funny, guy who adores his new bride. And the guests? From the bride's mom to the nieces and nephews and even the DJ, everyone was just such a pleasure to work with and a joy to have met.

The marriage of Elena and Ryan was a blending of two families, and not just a union between two people. That was evident at St Andre's Church all the way to the most touching toasts I've ever heard at the reception.

And did I mention that Elena was stunning?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fort Williams

South Portland High School Senior, Cassie was so much fun to work with. We headed up to Fort Williams (you can never go wrong there) for her recent portrait session. Though this is a popular spot, one of the reasons I love it there is that you never get the same picture twice. And with Cassie's long hair and her longer legs...these will sure be hard to re-create!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I was so glad when Rose called to schedule this extended family portrait! I've worked with her beautiful little family before, but this time, I got to meet... the cousins!

With the promise of a trip to the Olive Garden afterwards, the kids did a great job hanging out with me at Laurell Hill. We played under the gazebo, ran in the grass, and when things got a little boring, we moved to the "hill" of Laurell Hill and explored that for a while.

Mom dad, Grammy, Grampa and Aunt and Uncle did a nice job too... trustimg that the kids wouldn't roll down the hill and letting them "be themselves" for a few shots. That's so much more fun than the posed ones!

I'm sure the kids will have fun looking back on these images someday when they grow-up. They may all go off and do different things, but they'll always be cousins!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Katie!

On Tuesday, August 5th, my baby (and oldest) will be NINE!

All the things MY mother (who's birthday is on the 7th) are true. I can hear her say "You'll see when you have your own!", "Time flies." and all those sayings really do apply, but I'm enjoying every minute of it!

So, happy birthday, Katie. We love you and are so proud of the sensitive, thoughtful and funny girl you are!

Love, Mommy and Daddy